- Rex: And leading a recording contract with Big Ear Records! 雷克斯:一分与主要的唱片公司大耳朵的合约!
- Big Ear Records? They are one of the leading record companies! It would be great to get a contract with them! 大耳朵唱片公司?他们是屈手一指的大型唱片公司!如果能与他们签约那是天下的大好事!
- Angus: The winning group or singer will get a recording contract what Big Ear Records. 团体冠军或个人会签约于大耳朵唱片公司的专辑。
- Big ear hole come to get munber! 大耳隆离收数!
- I have a passion for the Big Ear. 大耳朵,让我们时刻在进步。
- Some kids ragged him about his big ears. 有些小孩子拿他的大耳朵开玩笑。
- Angus: Let's see,,,(reads) The winner will record in the Big Ear studio with a top Big Ear producer. 让我看看,,,(阅读)。优胜者将与大耳朵唱片公司录音室灌录专辑并由该公司负责制作发行。
- Mildewed[ hum, have the big ear enough on that your head! 霉[哼,那你头上够有大耳朵啦!
- Rex: (looking over Angus' shoulder) Then Big Ear will promote the album. 雷克斯:然后,大耳朵唱片公司负责宣传推广这款专辑。
- Rex: (looking over Angus shoulder) Then Big Ear will promote the album. 雷克斯:然后,大耳朵唱片公司负责宣传推广这款专辑。
- Old big ears is back! Campioni Liverpool!!! 老的霸主又回来了!冠军利物浦!!!
- Do use big ears in turbulent area. 在乱流区使用大耳朵。
- All the children laugh at Colin's big ears. 孩子们都笑科林的大耳朵。
- They made fun of Robert's big ears. 他们拿罗伯特的大耳朵开玩笑。
- Baby: It has small eyes and big ears. 它的眼睛小小的,耳朵大大的。
- Pigs have short legs and big ears. 猪有短短的腿和大大的耳朵。
- Dopey has big ears and Grumpy has a grumpy face. 糊涂虫长着大耳朵,爱生气有一张愤怒的脸。
- They ragged him about his big ears. 他们拿他的大耳朵开玩笑。
- They ragged on him about his big ears. 他们拿他的一对大耳朵开玩笑。
- An elephant has small eyes and big ears. 大象有一双小眼睛和一对大耳朵。